Tuesday, 29 September 2015


Freaky Shampoo advert
In this lesson we went back into our groups and talked about our what kind of advert we were going to make and what we were going to sell.

In the end we decided to choose shampoo as the product we were going to sell.

We also decided that we were going to have a clown in our advert to make the advert freaky because some people are scared of clowns, we decided that the main film was going to be black and white.

We were possibly going to use the collage to film parts of our advert, for example we was planning on using one of the blue screens as something that the actor would jump out from behind the screen or just peep around from behind it.

As part of the actor's costume we all decided that they should have blood covered hands/gloves and a clown mask.

As part of the film we would be using in our advert, we may be using a voice-over of an evil laugh.
Below is a picture of my brainstorm that I created.

The slogans we agreed on was ether "You'd dye for it" or "Shampoo to dye for".

Video groups

Who are you?

In this lesson, we were put into a group of people we didn't know and was set a task to find out who they were, what their names were and what they preferred to be called and what specific skills we had between us.
The people I met were; Rosie and Beth, Rosie's preferred name is either Rosie or Rose, she doesn't mind being in front of the camera and also plays the acoustic guitar, `she's also good at computing, editing and recording; Beth's preferred name is Beth and her specialties are drawing, baking, Photoshop and writing.

Freaky Advertising

In our groups we were set a task to find 3 freaky adverts for 3 different products and choose which one we were going to try and reproduce.

Ice Cream Advert

The advert below is one that is advertising Ice Cream, the brand was "Little Baby's Ice Cream".
The reason why it was freaky was because the actor was made completely out of ice-cream and was eating them selves and enjoying it... 

 Shampoo Advert

The advert below is for shampoo, the reason why it is freaky is because during the advert the face of the actor is change dramatically using different effects, the brand was called "Gold Bond Liqi-Shaq", again in this video; the music is in the major key and is therefore it has a happy feel to it.


Vodka Advert

Below is an advert for vodka, the reason why it is freaky is because the advert was in black and white and also because it consisted of lots of arms, branches and fingers, the music in the advert is happy and therefor it is in the major key, but also there seems to be a freaky sound to it as well.

Monday, 28 September 2015

10 Images captured using profesional equipment

During the first lesson we learn about how to capture an image on a professional scale.
We were allowed to use the equipment given to us to take pictures of items we were meant to bring in.
The first SD card we used worked fine at first with the camera we were using until the SD card completely wiped itself of all the picture we took and then would not work with the camera we were using as the camera came up with a message saying that "The SD card is not compatible".
When we found another SD card we could use, we managed to finally take all the picture we needed to and edited them in Photoshop.

We set our equipment as above with a Redhead light" ( with a tri-pod), a Nikon camera (with tri-pod) and and a piece of paper that we would use as our background, one we set all that up we took our pictures.
The pictures below are the ones we took:

We took a picture of a "KitkKat Chunky" bar and edited it i Photoshop so that it would not have a yellow background and would have a white background instead and also cropped the picture down so there wouldn't be as much white, empty space.

We took a picture of a a portable hard drive and yet again we had to change the colour of the background from yellow (because the light makes all the background yellow) and also used the crop tool to make the picture smaller so there wouldn't be so much white space.
We also took a picture of a pair of heat phones and again made the background white instead of the original colour which was a yellow colour and also used the crop tool to make the image smaller.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Unique Poster

This is a banner I made in "Photoshop" as part of a task that was set for me to complete, the tools i used were:

  1. The add "Anchor point" tool
  2. The crop tool
  3. The Direct point tool
  4. The Text tool

I also used an effect on my image called "Gradient Overlay Effect" tool.

Ghotly Images

This is a picture of two people in a dark room; I was set a task to make 3 “Ghostly Images” and this is one of them.
The tools I used were “Gaussian Blur” and I also used the “Opacity” tool, both of these tools combined mad the two people ghostly and blurred out so you could see them properly.
This also seems like ghosts would appear here because of the dark room.

I like this room because it was un-clean and seemed like the perfect place to have a few ghosts, the tools I used were “Gaussian Blur” and I also used the “Opacity” tool.


Caves seem like the perfect place for ghosts; dark, quiet and just great…
The tools I used to make this picture were “Gaussian Blur” and I also used the “Opacity” tool.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Sound in advertising


Car advert:
  1. Contains action
  2. Has a fast tempo
  3. Aimed at adults
  4. Sounds like a movie
  5. Happy music (The reason why the music is happy is because the key is major)
  6. This advert has little diagetic sound, most of the sound in the advert was non-diagetic.

Make up advert:
  1. Happy music (music in the key Major key).
  2. Voice over
  3. Fast tempo
  4. Aimed at adults

Sofa advert:
  1. Fast tempo
  2. Happy song (in the key of major; i.e. C major)
  3. Lots of instruments
  4. Aimed st adults

Computer advert

  1. Happy music (played in the major key)
  2. Fast tempo
  3. Aimed at adults
  4. All of the sounds in this were non diagetic.

Major and Minor Keys

The minor key in music refers to a less upbeat, more sad tone in the sound of a song.
The major key in music refers to a more upbeat, happy type of sound to a song, a cheerful type of song.
All of the adverts had a major key music in them.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Different Photos That Need To Be Taken!!!!!

 This image could be used in my advertisement and will be made up of many different separate pictures.

A video will also be used in my advertisement as most advertisements consist of this. 

I decided to choose a valley to make the background on the picture at the top of the document.
I like this picture because of all the street lights that are currently on.

I decided to choose a valley to make the background on the picture at the top of the document.

I like this picture because of all the street lights that are currently on.

I could possibly incorporate this, I could also make the background dark in Photoshop or alternatively take the shot during the night.

I may decide to take a single tree, possibly in the dark; and then multiply (or clone) the same tree to avoid taking pictures of many trees or I could take pictures of a small collection of trees and use them instead so that there is a little diversity in the picture, then if the trees are not in the dark at the time, I could always use Photoshop to edit the photo so it is in the dark.

https://yt3.ggpht.com/-8_TxiQSezmc/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/0zvtu29bZ0c/s900-c-k-no/photo.jpg This image is associated with Halloween and I like it because of the way the pumpkin is smiling and I also like the pitch black background; this is also a prop I could use to make my advert.